Sunday, December 31, 2017

Media and Information Languages (Laboratory)

Language, as we all know, is our medium for communicating. It serves as a bridge of one person to convey his or her thoughts, ideas, opinions, and emotion since it provides a system which allows persons to understand each other. However, despite its vitality, it is inevitable that it can also be a source of misunderstanding. This phenomenon is probably due to the existence of certain barriers in language. For example, people can have different interpretations of a message based on their own experiences and prior knowledge. Another angle to look at is that people have different ways of conveying their message such as their tones in speaking, which then can be misunderstood by the receiver of the message because of his or her interpretation of the tone of the speaker.
Yes, because people have their own unique experiences. These experiences are commonly referred to as their schema. Those experiences will greatly affect one’s interpretation of messages since one depends his or her interpretation and understanding based on what he or she knows from his or her experiences and prior knowledge.
It is indeed possible because just like what have already been stated earlier, the way an individual derives a meaning from a message is purely based on his or her schema – his or her past experiences and prior knowledge. Since people have different schema, there is a high possibility that different and unique meaning will arise from a message.

Target Audience
Men who want to have bright and clear skin
Voters of District 1, Marikina City
Unilever PH
Ferdie Marco
Your Brother Travel & Tours ATV Service Provider
To encourage men to buy and use their product by promoting their product’s ability to make one’s face clear and bright
To bribe the voters to promote himself for the upcoming elections
To encourage tourists to visit the Mayon Volcano and experience American/Canadian brand ATVs
Key Content
They used the line “Get bright + energized skin” and they included the steps in getting the Pond’s Men Face Value Card
He used the McDonald’s National Breakfast Day promo to tell people that he will treat them with free muffins
The ad included ATV rental rates and pictures of the ultimate ATV experience of past tourists
They chose Xian Lim, a famous actor with clear skin, to promote the use of their product.
He used his own image and the promo of McDonald’s in order to promote his candidacy
Colorful and bright fonts to strengthen the appeal of the advertisement to the tourists’ eyes, which will encourage them more
Digital print ads
Social media

Predict how this event will be covered by television, radio, print, and Internet?
Radio: It will have to be covered in an elaborative way since the delivery will lack visual representation, making a barrier to the receiver of the news
-    Television: It will have to be informative. Pictures and videos of the actual event can be showed and details must be delivered from time to time.
Print: Details to be put must be the most important ones since only a limited space is available. Because of this, the delivery must be concise and direct to the point.
Internet: It will have to be descriptive and informative. Also, the credibility and reliability of the source must be considered.
How are the presentations of facts may vary from medium to medium?
Each of the medium has its own characteristics including its strengths and weaknesses. Some of the factors to be considered include the space available and the accessibility of the mass. These factors affect the variance of each medium because the delivery of the information may vary on its amount, on how it is delivered, and how fast can it reach the target audience.
How are the codes and conventions vary from medium to medium?
The codes and conventions vary from medium to medium since each medium holds different capabilities and limitations, allowing one to dominate the others in different aspects.
How much of these differences will be based on the unique characteristics of the medium?
As what have been already said above, each of the medium has its own characteristics implying that one can dominate the others when it comes to different aspects. The strengths and weaknesses of each medium will then affect the dissemination of information as the weaknesses of each medium builds limitation on the delivery.

If you will be a reporter, are you going to use the conventional way of how each media will broadcast the given scenario?
            I will definitely use the conventional way of how each media will broadcast the given scenario. However, I will focus more on broadcasting it on television and on the internet. This is because if I use the television, I will be able to present pictures and video and I will be able to present essential information and details fluently. Also, it will reach the audience faster since almost everyone has television and has access to the internet. On the contrary, using the radio and the print medium will bring about lack of information to be disseminated since there will be no visual presentation and space for other supporting details and information will be limited.
What will you do to not make your report boring? Elaborate your answer.
            I will present and report enthusiastically and I will include interviews from both parties involved in the given scenario to strengthen the reliability and credibility of my report. Having interviews and statements from each of the party will draw people’s attention because the coverage of the scenario will not be just pure reporting and it will not come only from one speaker, which is an important thing to consider when it comes to news reporting.
Would you exaggerate some elements in your report to make it interesting? Why?
Exaggerating some elements is commonly done by news reporters. With this, I will have to say yes, however it will have to be a careful exaggerating. It is important to have a careful exaggerating since it will solidify the occurrences in the scenario, however the exaggeration will have to be limited because exaggerating too much will draw unnecessary attention which can lead to worsening of the scenario.
Guide Questions
Target Audience
Who is the intended audience?
The target audience would be the people who are interested and curious about Mesh App and Service Architecture.
Who is the producer?
The producers are Celine Faylogna, Paulo De Perio, Kenshin Maehara, and John Gabriel Samonte.
What is the purpose?
The purpose of this video is to provide information and details about the Mesh App and Service Architecture.
Key content
What is the topic?
What are the facts?
The producers included important information and details about MASA such as the definition, the requirements, the drawbacks, the benefits, and how  MASA works.
How can I present this information? How would this affect my audience?
The information was presented through a digital animation video in order to deliver the details clearly.
What platform will I use? Why?
The platform that was used is Youtube since videos are broadcasted easier through Youtube, implying that it can be accessed by many people quickly.

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Media and Information Languages (Laboratory)

LANGUAGE IS A SOURCE OF MISUNDERSTANDING Language, as we all know, is our medium for communicating. It serves as a bridge of one person t...