Internet of things -
Simply put, this is the concept of basically connecting any device with an on
and off switch to the Internet (and/or to each other). This includes everything
from cellphones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable
devices and almost anything else you can think of. (Retrieved from
The Internet of Things
(IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital
machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers
and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring
human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. (Retrieved from
for the meaning of the INTERNET OF THINGS and answer the following questions:
a) In your own words, define Internet of
Internet of Things pertains to the
connection and network of different devices, platforms, and objects entrenched with
electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity which enable them to
connect and transfer data with or without human interaction.
b) What brought this theory about?
It was as early as 1982 when the
concept of a network of smart devices was first discussed, with a modified Coke
machine at Carnegie Mellon University becoming the first Internet-connected
appliance, being able to report its inventory and whether newly loaded drinks
were cold. On 1991, Mark Weiser's seminal paper on ubiquitous computing,
"The Computer of the 21st Century", as well as academic venues such
as UbiComp and PerCom produced the contemporary vision of IoT. The concept of
the Internet of things became popular in 1999, through the Auto-ID Center at
MIT and related market-analysis publications. Furthermore, it was Kevin Ashton
of Proctor & Gamble, one of the creators of Auto-ID Center, who created this
theory and eventually started to expand it through his connections.
c) Do you like the concept of IoT ? Why or why
I do like the concept of the
Internet of Things. IoT indeed, makes our lives easier and more convenient for
us to live in. It will save our time and effort which allows us to be more
productive than ever. This will certainly help us in different aspects – faster
production and faster connections which will eventually lead to the growth and
development of our community and our economy. However, there is a disadvantage that
the concept implies. It will definitely be abused and misused by others, as
some people will rely more on the “connection”, and not their own effort. This
results to the dependence of people to machines and devices which then is the
root of the lazy revolution of the human race. Also, our privacy is at risk. As
our technology continues to develop, access to human lives are getting bigger
as well which is a major threat in our security.
d) In what situations do you encounter IoT in
the Philippines?
I encounter IoT in the Philippines
almost every day when I engage in communication and convey and share
information through the use of the Internet.
e) How do you think IoT will evolve and affect
Filipino society in the next 3 to 5 years?
In the next three to five years, I
think that IoT will greatly impact the Filipino society. People will be more
dependent on the Internet of Things. In line with this, it can be said that we
can become more efficient in our information and technological explorations than
before. Moreover, production, communication, and connection will be doubled and
will become faster which will absolutely help us economically and
What do you think is the relationship /cause and effect of IoT in media and
information literacy?
Internet of Things and Information
Literacy meets when it comes to transmission of information. Internet of Things
helps media to be more accessible, therefore allowing information to be
conveyed, shared, and distributed easily.
My personal timeline
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